


Special day

23 years ago, Bob came to this world. Coincidentally, Bob’s lunar birthday and Mother’s Day is the same day.

First of all, bless all the mothers in the whole world.

A mother’s love is like a circle, it has no beginning and ending. It keeps going around and around ever expanding, touching everyone who comes in touch with it. Engulfing them like the morning’s mist, warming them like the noontime sun, and covering them like a blanket of evening stars.

Secondly, happy birthday to Bob~~

He grew up, and the time will give him more opportunities and challenges. He will learn how to feel  the power of love and this magic world.

At last, Bob would like to say “thank you” to his dear families and friends.

Paper paper

In fact, Bob is not a lazy person.

In Bob’s view, it is important to strive for their own, rather than SCI or EI. Paper is a symbol of academic honor. At any time,  it is unnecessary to prove something . To be oneself for people we loved,  Bob thought, is the key.

Dear friends, Do you think that Bob is a bit negative. Maybe he just want to find a way to solve self-decompression.

Life after death

Phoenix Nirvana, bathed in fire rebirth.

Bob’s blog is getting out of the shadow of the database failure. It’s not easy to restore the data for Bob. What’s more, there is not much time and attention to consider it. So, pick up myself where Bob tumbled over.

A new style, a new starting point.

At last, Bob would like to thank the old friends, for their supporting.




今天理工大有个电力的专场招聘会,于是和晋小杰,水水,totti一起同去,凑个热闹。到了才发现真是people mountain people sea啊,现在求职真是太不容易了。到了跟前还得排老长时间的队,非本校的还得掏门票钱,任人宰割哈。。。毕竟是第一次去大型招聘会,感觉挺新鲜,就像逛超市一样。这次来的单位挺多,不过好一点的有限,倒是黑龙江的局子来的挺全的。水水两眼放光,一个接一个地找管人事的唠嗑,我和totti就在旁边听着,大庆局的人实在太搞了,在这摘录一段对话,很是雷人

NB HR:同学,你哪个专业的啊?
NB HR:高电压是电气的么
NB HR:咋没听说呢


